Killing off shyness

Image result for A man in the crowd shy

Very more than often, you get people who are outspoken getting off the track when it most matter most in the public.
You often asked them what happened and the response is that i can't face the crowd. 
Sometimes, it often put some in difficult situations whereby they make decision they later regrets simply because they can not express themselves.
While some can say communication language could be the issue; research has proven that even those who are learned still falls into this category.
A funny example is someone who was vying for a post in the school politics and find it hard to face the crowd but he resorted into taking some alcohol drinks; after this, he got his rhythm on but unfortunately when it was his time to face the crowd - he couldn't still bring the real words out.

#Alcohol or Smoking won't solve it 

*First try to make your speech brief when you have the opportunity to speak.
*Attending public functions often builds your confidence to speak.
*Try to ask questions in any public interactions you find yourself as this will make people relate back with you.
*Find out what gives you confidence. Everybody has a selling point, it could be your look or the way you dress or your voice. If you are the shy type, make sure you hype up your selling point as this is what people will concentrate more on and if this happen, it will free you up a bit to talk with ease (though not in all cases).
*If you have the opportunity to speak at a public event and you are shy, do a lot of rehearsal with friends and on your own.
*Don't jump at every conversation as this could open you up.
*When you get at a nervous public questions and answer debate, don't be too quick to answer and also don't let people get you nervous as this could expose your weakness when trying to talk/respond. You can pause and take water ( so try to get water close at times if you are shy) and don't pause too much as this could remind you of your weakness. Drinking water refresh you most times and keep nerves level down. 
*Finally, if you want to take off your shyness, always try to be in control and don't let people push you around. (#Be Bold)
