Friendship Vibe

The strength your friendships is a better predictor of stress than your heart rate

Life could be ups & downs especially with work, bills, pressure, commitment, keeping up with the affairs of life and family. With all these aforementioned, you cannot discard what good friendship can offer.
WHILE you can not rule out negative effect with bad friendship, you cannot overemphasize the good of the right friends. A friend once said, you can choose a friend but not a family member. Many have testify to it that some friends have been more helpful than family members. In good times and the other side, good friends are known to always be at your side.

Effects of good FRIENDSHIP
  • Stay by you in time of trouble.
  • Share with you when you are in need.Image result for friendship
  • Remember you when there are opportunities.
  • Support you in good times & negative times
  • Join you in celebration.
  • Sacrifice for you.Image result for friendship
  • Always want to know if you are safe.
  • Stand by you when you are weak.
  • Lay with you when you can't stand.
  • Smile with you when you celebrate.
